Scanavino, Louis G.
Bodie, California, December 25, 1891
Date of Death:
October 23, 1918
Hero Bio:
Louis Gregg Scanavino was born December 25, 1891, on what is known as Goat Ranch near Bodie, California. He attended school there for a time, after which he moved to Yerington in Lyon County, Nevada. Louis entered the service from Yerington on July 22d, 1918. He went first to Fort Riley, Kansas, where he remained a month in training, and was then sent to Camp Sheridan, Alabama. He had been at this latter post about two months when he fell ill with pneumonia. He passed away at the camp on the 23d of October, 1918, and his remains were returned to his former home at Bodie, California, for burial.
The soldier leaves a mother, Mrs. M. J. Scanavino, six brothers, Steve, Joe, Pete, Paul, Dave, and Victor, and four sisters, Mrs. Kate Donders, Mrs. Mary Ann Pimentel, Mrs. Idell Bauers, and Mrs. Clyde R. Leavitt, all of Bridgeport, California. His life in the army was short and he saw nothing of the horrors of war, yet he laid down his life for his Country as nobly as did any of our boys who fell on the field of battle. He rests now in a hero’s grave near the scenes of his early boyhood.
Rank in Death:
Regiment, Brigade, Division in Death
Field Hospital 235 9th Sanitary Train